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episode 31

Managers vs. Makers;

The Battle of the Daily Schedule

Nyssa and Lisa review Paul Graham's classic productivity argument (link below!), and reframe it in the context of hospital employees, where the administration (a.k.a. managers) and the boots-on-the-ground medical personnel, specifically nurses (a.k.a. makers), are often at odds because of their wildly divergent schedules.  So how is a 9-5, M-F management team supposed to train, meet with, evaluate, and develop an everything *but* 9-5, M-F nursing and hospital staff? 

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episode 32

You're Under Arrest!;

A New Blunt Traumatic Arrest Protocol

Let's face it: treating arrest after a blunt trauma may very well be a daily experience in your practice, but the standard protocols for resuscitation can actually do as much harm as good.  Nyssa and Lisa talk to Dr. Amanda Humphries-Ventura about her approach to reviving a profusely bleeding and broken patient, so that nurses in both the ER and the pre-hospital environment can make simple but important changes in how they treat arrest when acute injuries raise the stakes.


episode 33:
Happy 3rd


All Ox is Not Equal:

The Limitations of Pulse Oximetry in Dark Skin Tones

In this special episode, recorded live at the FlightBridge ED FAST21 conference in Nashville in May, 2021 , Nyssa and Lisa reveal how and why one of the most ubiquitous tools used in every hospital and doctor's office may be inaccurate in up to 13% of the population, and what you can do to correct this serious and pervasive issue in your practice.



New England Journal of Medicine, December 17, 2020; 383:2477-2478.

Philip E. Bickler, M.D., Ph.D.; John R. Feiner, M.D.; John W. Severinghaus, M.D.
Anesthesiology April 2005, Vol. 102, 715–719.

Feiner, John R. MD; Severinghaus, John W. MD; Bickler, Philip E. MD, PhD
Anesthesia & Analgesia: December 2007 - Volume 105 - Issue 6 - p S18-S23

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